14th of June 2024 Southern Lights attended the Sweden-Chile Business Forum in Stockholm. The event was organized by ProChile and Business Sweden in the context of the Chilean Presidential Delegation Visit to Sweden and featured discussions on energy, hydrogen and tech with top leaders from the industry and development agencies such as Business Sweden, CORFO and the Swedish Energy Agency.
Southern Lights’ CEO Felipe Gallardo was among the speakers on the panel and during the day, Southern Lights signed a partnership agreement with Chilean Association of Renewable Energy Companies (ACERA).

– As a Chilean, I am particularly excited to partner with ACERA, the largest and most important renewable energy companies association in a country known regionally and globally as a leader in renewable energy and now green hydrogen and Power-to-X. This collaboration strengthens our ties with a country close to our heart, said Southern Lights’ CEO Felipe Gallardo.
The partnership agreement is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that facilitates ACERA members access to the Southern Lights cutting-edge software and services. The MOU is also in line with Southern Lights’ goal to accelerate the adoption of green hydrogen-based technologies internationally.
– We are very proud to create these collaborative opportunities for our partners, who will be able to access platforms for evaluating green hydrogen projects that are currently used in Europe. It is very important to build bridges towards innovation and to learn about new tools that facilitate the entry into this kind of projects, which are currently a matter of interest of our members, concluded ACERAs’ CEO Ana Lía Rojas.